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Cambridge Mayor Condemns Avalon Bay’s Use of Callahan

by admin on March 24, 2016

Cambridge Mayor Denise Simmons wrote a letter to top Avalon Bay executives last week condemning their choice of Callahan, Inc. as a general contractor on their 1-25 East Street project in Cambridge.

Simmons referred to Callahan’s long track record of using illegal and unethical subcontractors, including the misclassification of workers as independent contractors, paying cash, and relying on labor brokers. Simmons criticized Callahan for being “more interested in turning a profit by any means, than in treating its workers fairly and adhering to community business standards.”

Recognizing that Cambridge is in the midst of a building boom, Mayor Simmons urged Avalon Bay to reconsider its choice of contractors, saying “I want the people working on these developments to be working on safe job sites, and earning wages that will prevent them from being forced to utilize our social services like food stamps, food pantries, homeless shelters, and so forth.”

Callahan relies on subcontractors that engage in tax and insurance fraud, pay sub-standard wages and provide few or no benefits, and fail to provide safe jobsites for the men and women building our communities. Simmons’ letter is another reminder to Avalon Bay and other developers to consider these basic standards in their selection of general contractors.

Cambridge Mayor Condemns Avalon Bay’s use of Callahan [FULL TEXT]

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